Why being healthy is important? These are the things I'll be talking about in my website....

1. Balanced diet

2. Athlete's diet

3. obesity around the world

4. Health screening methods

5. Mental health issue

6. Scenario


For this topic I will be talking about;

- Definition of balanced diet

- How to maintain a balanced diet

- How to know if you have a balanced diet

- My three days dietary plan

balanced diet diet chat pizza chart

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1. Obesity around the world

For this topic, I will be talking about the population of obesity all around the world, what are the causes of obesity for the different countries. which are;

1. USA

2. China

3. India

4. Russia

5. Brazil

obesity mcDonald so tired

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2. Mental illness in sports

For mental illness in sports, I will be telling you which sportsmen/women suffers from mental illness, reason why they are suffering from it and what could help them stop the mental illness. The three important mental illness are;

1. Anxiety

2. Stress

3. Depression

Anxiety Stress depression

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3. Scenario

I will be talking about Sally. I will state her problems in her life, how could she improve her lifestyle and how is she unhealthy

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